Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Thomas Family

  So glad that I got the opportunity to take pictures of this beautiful family.  I love this sweet family.  Their daughter was all smiles and poses for me which was awesome!  The boys were their usual cool selves but I did catch them goofing off behind me a couple times which could be used as black mail later..LOL.

All of the gorgeous fall leaves made such a beautiful backdrop for us. Can’t wait to share these with all of you.

Here are some of my favorites from our session. IMG_9909fullwebIMG_9566web  IMG_9433webbyIMG_9345fullweb  IMG_9464webbyIMG_9524webbyIMG_9396webbyIMG_9573webby  IMG_9636webbyIMG_9817fullwebIMG_9798fullwebIMG_9761fullwebIMG_9423webbyIMG_9387webby IMG_9467webbyIMG_9493webby IMG_9878fullweb


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